Monday 15 August 2011

The Miracle of the Islams Month......

Once a year, Muslim calender of Hijrah will have 1 special month, a month where according 2 Al-Quran, all gates of Hell is closed, n All gatesof Heaven are opened. Month of repents where Allah SWT multiplies all the pahala that is done even as simple as sleeping in the afternoon 2 avoid any unnecessary activity that may coz us 2 do sin. 15 days have passed since Ramadhan start n yet, days will still passes by with full of warmth n calmness of the holy month. here in Padang, Muslims family especially will take the 1st day of Ramadhan by celebrating it with families regardless of works and activities. It has been 2 years since i studied at Padang n i was amazed on how strong the month of Ramadhan plays a role in bringing a very big families together unlike us in Malaysia which usually happens in the month of Syawal, month where Muslims has achieved victory. :) not 2 compare between both months n both countries but just as an example on how the months of Islams calendar affect the live of muslims, n at the end, this is the miracle of Islams Calender, Hijrah. :) Subahanallah how great the months that is bestowed 2 us by Allah SWT and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad SAW. Syukran. :)

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