Tuesday 15 November 2011

A great TEACHER!!!!..... :(

Life is full of suprises n yet it still kept unfolding its magic on us.. Yesterday, i received shocking news on how bad was the condition of my math teacher, late Mr. Ang, which have been suffering of lung cancer n already metastasized to the liver n bone. as much as i known n learned, this condition is end stage of cancer n it is UNTREATABLE!!!! sad n sorrow start 2 fill me in.. now, just received news that he is GONE!! it caught me in a shock 4 a while before tears start dripping on its own. i started crying thinking that why must it be now... y must it when i am still studying... n y must it b4 i graduated.... as times creeps slowly, i began 2 flash few memories that always keep me in memory bout him. it was when he knows i was a teachers son, he was being good not to punish me n keep it from my mom... then, when he woke me up during a class of his, i finished his assignment n i fell asleep.. lastly, is the act that he n Mr Jacob didi during hari Guru, where he n Mr. Jacob dressed like a student n act it out perfectly.. it wa joyfull that time but as time flies, his illness get the best of him. i have seen cancer patients n how much they can last in this transition.. now, that he is with God, all his suffering has ended... Rest in peace Mr. Ang, u always b a dear 2 me n u changes me in a lot of ways....

we will miss u Mr. Ang.... Thanks again 4 everything.. :')

Monday 14 November 2011

A new HOPE!!!! :D

Stress bole disebabkan oleh byk faktor dan antara faktor ini bole menyebabkan stres kita intensify 20x dari apa yang kita dapat.. hahahah.. as much as i can say, x byk di kalangan kita bole menghadapi stress sebegitu rupa tp sebagai timbal baliknya,kita bole cari jalan nak counter balik mana yang perlu. okla, back 2 main idea ikut title, a new hope refers 2 me as i, Mohamad Asyraf will be turning a new leaf of it. sebyk yang da aku tgk, semua x sedap mata memandang, yet lg berat hati dan minda aku nak pikul, sedih dan lara membuatkan aku mula ponteng apa yang x patut aku ponteng, buat ap yang x patut aku buat, n most important of all, aku secara x langsung mengecewakan family aku. atas nasihat teman serumah dan sahabat baik aku, aku pulang ke malaysia di mana, alhamdulillah, telah dimudahkan jalan untuk aku menghadapi apa yang akan aku tgk bila aku balik ke padang.. berbekalkan, doa, restu dan nasihat yang memberikan semangat aku, aku mula nampak apa yang patut aku jadi, dan apa yang patut aku lakukan... insyAllah dengan petunjuk yang aku dapat dan dengan harapan yang aku sandang, aku ingin berubah dan ingin menjadi seseorang yang lebih baik dari aku yang dulu.. ok.. itu je buat masa ni.. ciao!!!!!