Tuesday 18 October 2011

Friends Or Foe.....

As in my other post before, life is so damned bloody interesting... it is full of experience n it makes u strong... but before u r strong, the pain will come 1st n worst pain is backstabs. friends or foe, this is mainly wt is bothering me as, i am looking y things are not settling with me.. issues 2 begin, OSPEK, MSK, sinonim as miggu suai kenal between new stdents n old student, n 2 be exact, juniors n seniors, things was a bit clear on the selections on head of ospek, all the horror starts when i did not use the power rest in me well, n this cause things 2 stir among the immediate n old seniors. easy 4 people 2 say i am a 1 man standing against quite a no of seniors that a bit upset with the current issue. with it, i have been questioning myself, y am i elected 2 be the ydp, did i make the right decision 4 the selection of my MT's. as thigs continue 2 deteriorate, i planned 2 solve it in a manner that will satisfy everyone n i really mean EVERYONE. but in returned,  I AM BEING AN A*&^%$#@ for it. seriously, i am thinking 4of resigning, as much as it might be a small matter, but, the heat is just tooo damned intensed. add the flavour, i get to know, that i am the laughing stock of padang, n it is non other than my own friends, not all,but some. i share thig with them, but,shame is wat i get in return. i was wondering myself, but i am convinced, this is part of wat Allah task 4 me handle, and, ada yang mengatakan, 'Sesungguhnya, Dia tidak akan pernah menguji hamba-Nya lebih dari apa yang hamba-Nya mampu, sesungguhnya, Dia Maha Mengetahui'. this is wat i have prayed for, n Allah bless me with this task so that i will be always close to Him, n it will strenghten me 4 the harsh future 2 come. i take it as positive as i can because i believe, things happened 4 a reason. :)

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