Life is full of suprises n yet it still kept unfolding its magic on us.. Yesterday, i received shocking news on how bad was the condition of my math teacher, late Mr. Ang, which have been suffering of lung cancer n already metastasized to the liver n bone. as much as i known n learned, this condition is end stage of cancer n it is UNTREATABLE!!!! sad n sorrow start 2 fill me in.. now, just received news that he is GONE!! it caught me in a shock 4 a while before tears start dripping on its own. i started crying thinking that why must it be now... y must it when i am still studying... n y must it b4 i graduated.... as times creeps slowly, i began 2 flash few memories that always keep me in memory bout him. it was when he knows i was a teachers son, he was being good not to punish me n keep it from my mom... then, when he woke me up during a class of his, i finished his assignment n i fell asleep.. lastly, is the act that he n Mr Jacob didi during hari Guru, where he n Mr. Jacob dressed like a student n act it out perfectly.. it wa joyfull that time but as time flies, his illness get the best of him. i have seen cancer patients n how much they can last in this transition.. now, that he is with God, all his suffering has ended... Rest in peace Mr. Ang, u always b a dear 2 me n u changes me in a lot of ways....
we will miss u Mr. Ang.... Thanks again 4 everything.. :')
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