Saturday, 28 May 2011

Revenge And Redemption....

there r things that we, humans can do, give n take... but unlike some people, give n take is very wat we cal unorthodox. same would give, n take, some would give but never take, there r also some that never GIVE at all, but like 2 TAKE wat life have 2 offer. i will say me, myself n i, am the type that always like 2 give n also expect a return 2 it. DAMNED, that is not rite, giving take most of ur heart out of it. in a situation n I MEAN CERTAIN situation, U SHOULD GIVE N U TAKE MORE THAN WAT U GIVE!!!. THIS IS REDEMPTION. ok, enough with bull talk, sorry lama x update blog. coming soon. c ya. :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha.. I alwys give n nver think of the return... Coz 2 me,the others happiness r more important than mine n that's the best reward 4 me~
